1131 Manawagonish Road,

Saint John, NB E2M 3X8, CANADA.
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Retreat Center

You’ll find here an ideal environment for personal change, with genuine acceptance and respect for each person’s unique path. Guests often tell us how at home they feel, how easy it is to relax and “be themselves.” You can meet others from around the world with goals similar to your own, in an atmosphere that brings out the best within you.

Yoga is a powerful spiritual practice, not merely an exercise routine. This gentle and highly effective approach is suitable for all ages, all body types. Yoga helps you feel relaxed, revitalized, and uplifted – and it's an invaluable aid to deeper meditation. Yoga helps you tap wellsprings of inner peace, and gain power over emotional reactions to life. You'll learn techniques and attitudes to strengthen your ability to be calm and centered in the midst of outward challenges, including: Yoga postures and breathing exercises for calmness and centeredness. Affirmations, prayer, and visualizations for inner strength. Ways to "untie" specific negative emotions at their source. Tools for Handling "emotionally charged" situations effectively.

Meditation is a way to commune with the divine within yourself. In order to touch this deep, inward place, it's invaluable to learn in a calm and focused environment. Over the past, thousands of people have meditated, creating a uniquely peaceful atmosphere. We offer you the practical, in-depth approach to meditation. These techniques can take you beyond relaxation to a profound connection with your own higher Self. We cannot say enough about the benefits available to you in one short Meditation Weekend. You will gain a proven pathway to inner peace. You will learn: What meditation is and what it can give you. A specific, step-by-step technique to give you an experience of the peace of meditation. How to sit comfortably for meditation. How to deal with common obstacles to meditation: restlessness, not enough time, boredom. How to begin a daily practice immediately. Your instructors are academically educated, experienced meditators and teachers who can answer your questions from their study and personal experience.

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